

Have Questions?

Brady Mills
Director of Law Enforcement Outreach
[email protected]
(202) 662-8526
Tools have been developed for law enforcement, recyclers, and prosecutors to assist in the fight against metals theft.

Law Enforcement

Law enforcement play a critical role in apprehending metals thieves.  Tools have been developed for their use including: a metals glossary of terms and photos and a monthly newsletter to stay current on happenings across the country.


Recyclers have a responsibility to alert metals thieves that they are not welcome at their yards.  Signage has been developed for recyclers to use to make this message clear.


Guaranteed prosecution is a key deterrent for metals thieves.  Tools have been developed to help prosecuting metals theft cases.

To combat the important issue of metals theft, ISRI has developed, an online theft alert system that is available to law enforcement, recyclers, and property owners - free of charge.

Learn how to use, a free-of-charge online theft alert system that is available to law enforcement, recyclers, and property owners.