
Recommended Safety Practices

ISRI offers a broad menu of member-only safety services and programs - from on-site multi-day training by one of ISRI's professional safety staff, to traditional safety posters, videos and handbooks.  This Safety Resources Catalog was developed to help you navigate and sort through ISRI's extensive safety sources.

EHS Calendar

ISRI Safety Calendar – National Radon Action Month

ISRI’s monthly EHS calendar provides links to resources on specific environmental, health, and safety topics for the recycling industry. We encourage you to use these tools as training resources throughout the year. .


Circle of Safety Excellence™

The ISRI Circle of Safety Excellence ™ (COSE) is an initiative offered by ISRI to help improve worker, vehicle and facility safety within the recycling industry. The COSE members consist of like-minded companies which voluntarily come forward to share best practices and safety.


Upcoming Events

Stay in Compliance

Order OSHA's Hazard Communication Standard with the new ISRI Safety Data Sheets. 

Order Yours Today

The checklist template provides members with a step-by-step approach to review their DOT programs for compliance with federal regulations, and it can be used as a teaching aid as well to assist in meeting compliance requirements. 


Access a clearinghouse of resources addressing these two laws that have had a tremendous impact on the recycling industry.


The program covers how to do a PPE hazard assessment, how to recognize the hazards of and safely work around mobile equipment, why proper PPE is important, and how to recognize fire hazards.