2019 ISRI Annual Report


2019 was a year of change and transition for the recycling industry, and ISRI was there at every step for our members. ISRI’s mission to serve as the Voice of the Recycling Industry®—promoting safe, economically sustainable, and environmentally responsible recycling through networking, advocacy, and education—has never been so critical.


Promoting safe, economically sustainable and environmentally responsible recycling: With safety as our core value, ISRI delivered safety outreach and training to hundreds of ISRI members.

Networking: Networking remains a key benefit of ISRI membership. In 2019 we expanded opportunities for members to create and grow their business relationships through national, regional, and chapter events.

Advocacy: At the local, state, national, and international levels, whenever issues arise, ISRI is there for our members. Simply put, we stop bad things from happening to the industry while simultaneously identifying opportunities to help members grow and be more profitable.

Education: In 2019, ISRI offered opportunities for member company employees at all levels to pursue professional development on topics that included safety, operations, leadership, management, and market analysis.

Have Questions?

Joe Pickard
Chief Economist
Director, Commodities

[email protected]
(202) 662-8542