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ISRI’s Annual Safety Stand-Down Day
Safe and Sound: A Safe Facility is Sound Management


In 2014, ISRI started its annual Safety Stand-down Day after recognizing recurring fatalities and critical injuries at facilities throughout the industry. ISRI reaffirmed safety as its core value
and introduced Safety Stand-Down Day. The term "safety stand-down" is used to describe a wide variety
of activities where normal work is paused and the entire site focuses on a particular safety issue.

Companies are encouraged to shut down operations for at least one hour on every shift
on Wednesday, June 13, to engage in safety education.

The safety education can be in any form, including:

  • Employee training;
  • Management walk-around;
  • Addressing company’s safety policy;
  • Toolbox talks by employees;
  • Presentations by equipment service providers; and or
  • Any other effective safety training method.

Additionally, this year we are again partnering with OSHA and encouraging ISRI members to consider undertaking at least one activity relevant to each of the three core aspects of a successful safety and health program: management leadership, worker participation, and a systematic approach to finding and fixing workplace hazards.

Management Leadership

Management leadership is a demonstrated commitment at the highest levels of an organization to safety and health. It means that business owners, executives, managers, and supervisors make safety and health a core organizational value, establish goals, provide resources, and set a good example. Because managers and workers take their cues from leadership, it's important that all leaders throughout an organization show a visible commitment to safety and health.


Worker Participation

Worker participation is meaningfully engaging workers at all levels in establishing, implementing, evaluating, and improving safety and health in the workplace. This means workers understand they are a valuable partner in making their workplace safer and are encouraged and able to communicate with management about hazards on the job. Workers are the experts when it comes to the tasks they do and the tools and equipment they use, which makes them a key resource for knowledge and innovative ideas that can improve safety and health.


Find and Fix Hazards

A systematic approach to finding and fixing hazards is a proactive, ongoing process to identify and control sources of potential injuries or illnesses. This means establishing procedures to collect and review information about known or potential hazards in the workplace, investigating the root cause of those hazards, and prioritizing hazard controls.  Identifying and correcting these hazards before someone gets hurt ensures that workers go home to their families safe and sound after every shift.


Member Participation

Members are encouraged to forward any picture of their SSDD activities which will be posted on the ISRI Safety website.  Facilities participating in Safety Stand-Down Day will also be recognized on the ISRI-OSHA Alliance web page, and will receive a certificate acknowledging their commitment to safety. Please let us know if you participate by completing this form.

Have Questions?

Tony Smith
VP, Safety
[email protected]
(260) 409-9561