• Safety

NIOSH seeking feedback on Center for Motor Vehicle Safety

NIOSH is scheduled to host an online-only meeting to gather input from the public regarding the effectiveness of the agency’s Center for Motor Vehicle Safety, as well as ideas for the center’s future.

The meeting, slated for Sept. 14, will focus on how well NIOSH is meeting the goals outlined in its 2014-18 strategic plan; how effectively the agency is addressing the needs of stakeholders; and whether the program is successfully working toward its objective of preventing work-related crashes.

To attend, email Rebecca Olsavsky at [email protected] with “Attendance: public web meeting” in the subject line by Sept. 1. Anyone interested in presenting information during the meeting should use “Request to present: public web meeting” in the subject line and include the presenter’s name, address, phone number and organization.

According to NIOSH, motor vehicle crashes and other transportation-related incidents killed an estimated 22,000 workers between 2003 and 2014.

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