(Washington, DC)- The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI) today announced that the ordering period is now open for the Superfund Recycling Equity Act (SREA) Reasonable Care Compliance Program Reports. Beginning March 16 and running through April 30, ISRI members have an exclusive opportunity to sign up for due diligence reports on the scrap consuming facilities to which they ship recyclable materials. The reports help ISRI members demonstrate the due diligence required by law in order to be exempt from SREA.
“The SREA Reasonable Care Compliance Program Reports are a quick and easy way for recyclers to protect themselves from costly liability,” said Robin Wiener, president of ISRI. “In the event a customer location is named as a Superfund site, it has the potential to put a recycler out of business. SREA reports are a low-cost, effective way of showing due diligence needed to avoid liability. It is a huge advantage for ISRI members.”
In 1999, ISRI successfully worked with Congress to obtain an exemption for recyclers from Superfund liability, but that exemption is not automatic. The 1999 law requires recyclers to conduct due diligence demonstrating that they checked to make sure their customers are in compliance with applicable environmental laws before they can obtain exemption for the shipment of recyclable materials to these customers.
To benefit members, ISRI contracts with AECOM, a leading environmental consulting firm, to provide these reports at a substantial discount. ISRI is in turn offering members the opportunity to reserve and receive the reports for a nominal handling charge of just $25. In rare cases, the report may cost $300, however, members will be able to decide at the time of payment whether or not to order these reports. Reports can be ordered online. Members should have their ISRI login and password handy.
For more information on SREA, contact Thomas Casey or at (202) 662-8532.
The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. (ISRI) is the Voice of the Recycling Industry™. ISRI represents more than 1,600 companies in 21 chapters nationwide that process, broker and industrially consume scrap commodities, including metals, paper, plastics, glass, rubber, electronics and textiles. With headquarters in Washington, DC, the Institute provides safety, education, advocacy, and compliance training, and promotes public awareness of the vital role recycling plays in the U.S. economy, global trade, the environment and sustainable development.