• Press Release
  • Industry News

Recyclers Serving as Environmental Stewards Turn Everyday into Earth Day

For Immediate Release
April 22, 2013

Mark Carpenter
[email protected]

Washington, DC – Marking the 43rd anniversary of Earth Day, the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries (ISRI), the Voice of the Recycling Industry TM today encouraged people to better understand the environmental benefits recycling provides, and the high environmental standards established by the industry.

“The scrap recycling industry was the original green industry, transforming worn-out materials into commodity grade products” said Robin Wiener, president of ISRI. “The more than 130,000 men and women that work in the sector make a positive impact on the environment every single day. Giving a second life to metals, paper, tires, plastic, glass, textile and other materials saves energy and natural resources, reduces the use of landfill space, and lowers greenhouse gas emissions. The continuous development of new technology and rigorous standards in the field further contributes to the industry’s rich history of environmental stewardship and economic growth.”

According to BIR, U.S. EPA Durable Goods Calculator, U.S. EPA WARM Calculator, the total estimated reduction of CO2 emissions from scrap recycling globally is approximately 500 million tons per year. The following statistics further illustrates some of the many environmental benefits of recycling:


Saves the Energy Equivalent of:

Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions by (CO2 Equivalent):

One Car

502 Gallons of Gasoline

8,811 lbs.

One Refrigerator

36 Gallons of Gasoline

566 lbs.

One Computer & CRT Monitor

27 Gallons of Gasoline

404 lbs.

One Washing Machine

24 Gallons of Gasoline

397 lbs.

Four Tires

18 Gallons of Gasoline

323 lbs.

One Television

8 Gallons of Gasoline

81 lbs.

10 lbs. of Aluminum Cans

7 Gallons of Gasoline

16 lbs.

To ensure strict environmental safeguards are in place, the recycling industry established the Recycling Industry Operating Standard TM (RIOSTM) and the Responsible Standards for Electronics Recycling plus RIOS (R2/RIOSTM) certification programs. Paper, metal, plastics, rubber, glass, and textiles recyclers displaying the RIOS certification and electronics recyclers with the R2/RIOS certification demonstrate that they are recycling in compliance with the highest standards for environmental protection, as well as for worker health and safety, and product quality. These certifications ensure the industry is proactively safeguarding the environment.

For more information on the environmental benefits of recycling, visit www.isri.org.


The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. (ISRI)
The Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. (ISRI) is the Voice of the Recycling Industry™. ISRI represents more than 1,700 companies in 21 chapters nationwide that process, broker and industrially consume scrap commodities, including metals, paper, plastics, glass, rubber, electronics and textiles. With headquarters in Washington, DC, the Institute provides education, advocacy, and compliance training, and promotes public awareness of the vital role recycling plays in the U.S. economy, global trade, the environment and sustainable development. For more information about ISRI, visit

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