Recycling for Good: ISRI Member Provides Food for Local Families

Aug 13, 2020

By Nidhi Turakhia 

ISRI members, and the recycling industry as a whole, have always shown ways to step up and help their communities during times of need. Throughout the Coronavirus pandemic a number of companies have reached out to support their neighbors. 


One such company is Allied Alloys. The Houston-based company is located in one of the areas of Texas hardest hit by the Coronavirus. Harris County has the most COVID-19 positive cases in the state. There was a shortage of produce, and canned and package foods in the grocery store. With the local food supply low, Allied Alloys turned to one of its international connections for a solution. 

The family-run business looked to a nonprofit in India that they are personally involved in that conducts food drives in remote villages. Allied Alloys thought it would be a great idea to replicate in the Houston area to help provide food for families and organized a community-wide contactless food drive. 

The company purposely provided items that were packed with nutrients and longer shelf lives. Furthermore, it was all vegetarian. The community was already facing existing health issues and there was fear the pandemic would make things worse, so healthy food was a priority. 

Employees worked to load 300 cars with 35 pounds of food. Their contributions made a lasting impact on their community. One lady called the company after the event, crying she was so thankful. She said it was the first time in years she was able to make a pasta dish for her kids.  

Have any creative ideas your company has done to help its local company? Please share your stories with Rachel Bookman at ISRI. 

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