The PSI Chapter will meet in Nashville, TN in February to elect new officers for the 2020–2022 term and hear two industry experts from Fastmarkets RISI report on current market trends.
Thursday, February 20 | 2:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Room 208AB of Music City Center (201 5th Ave. S.)
*Site of ISRI's Winter Board and Governance Meetings
The chapter’s Board approved slate of nominees:
President: Linda Leone, WestRock (Dunkirk, NY)
Vice President: Shawn State, Pratt Recycling (Conyers, GA)
Secretary/Treasurer: Tamara Mayberry, Pioneer Industries International (Itasca, IL)
*The nomination process will remain open, with additional nominations from the floor allowed, until the election meeting.
Feature presentations will include Hannah Zhao, senior economist / recovered paper
and Greg Rudder, managing editor of Pulp & Paper Week at Fastmarkets RISI.
B.B. Kings Blues Club
152 2nd Ave. N.
6 PM Start
Hear Nashville Artist, Carl Stewart
PSI Members $100 | Non-Members $150

Registration includes a buffet dinner and two drink tickets. Following the PSI event, ISRI's Southeast Chapter invites PSI members to attend its complimentary dessert party at 9PM at Dream Nashville.
For questions or Inquiries contact Leonard Zeid, PSI Chapter President