America Recycles Week Toolkit

America Recycles Day is an annual event that takes place every November 15, designed to help raise the profile of recycling and promote the many positive attributes of the industry. The event is a national initiative of Keep America Beautiful, one of ISRI's public outreach partners. This year, the U.S. EPA has joined in the celebration and recognized the week of November 11-15 as America Recycles Week.

All ISRI members are encouraged to participate by hosting an event, social media outreach, or other means. The information contained in this toolkit is meant to act as a resource in helping to plan your activities.

Daily Themes

There is a different theme for each day of America Recycles Week. This toolkit contains resources to help you promote the industry and your company throughout the week. Be sure to use the hashtag #AmericaRecycles on social media.

Veterans in the Industry - Monday, November 11

  • Take this opportunity to highlight any veterans employed at your facility. Share their story on social media, or through other communications methods.America Recycles Day
  • Thank local veterans and invite them to your facility. 

Measuring Success - Tuesday, November 12

  • Highlight the industry's impact across the country and in your local community using facts and figures from ISRI's 2019 Economic Impact Study
  • Use the "recycling facts" graphics designed to showcase the economic benefits of recycling.

Social Post: The U.S. scrap recycling industry is a major economic engine powerful enough to create 531,510 jobs and generate $12.9 billion in tax revenues, all while making the old new again and helping to protect the earth's air, water, & land for future generations. #AmericaRecycles (Tweet This)

Focus on Markets - Wednesday, November 13

Social Post: Scrap commodities are among the nation's largest exports by value. Overall, exports account for 30.02% percent of the industry's economic activity. These exports create nearly 160,652 good green jobs in the United States and help strengthen the national economy. #AmericaRecycles (Tweet This)

Education and Outreach - Thursday, November 14

Social Post: Calling all student innovators! ISRI & JASON Learning have announced the theme for the 2020 Youth Video & Poster Contest. Your challenge: Design a video or poster showing what you think recycling will look like in 50, 75, or even 100 years! Enter by 12/20. Visit (Tweet This)

America Recycles Day

Value of Recycling on America Recycles Day - Friday, November 15

  • Host a recycling drive.
  • Hold an event or picnic at your facility for customers.
  • Participate in the clean up of a local park or road.

Social Posts: On America Recycles Day we celebrate the many benefits of recycling! The industry generates nearly $110 billion in economic activity, and is a major economic engine powerful enough to support more than 531,000 jobs and generate $12.9 billion in tax revenues. #AmericaRecycles (Tweet This)

The U.S. scrap recycling industry processed 138 million metric tons of materials in 2018. #AmericaRecycles (Tweet This)

Also Happening During the Week

2019 America Recycles Summit
Friday, November 15, 2019
10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Industry stakeholders, including ISRI, will discuss accomplishments since last year's America Recycles Day Summit in which ISRI and industry stakeholders signed the America Recycles Day Pledge. EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler will preside over this year's summit, which will feature reports from the working groups on education & outreach, infrastructure, market development and measurement on their accomplishments towards a revitalized recycling sector in the United States.

This event will be available for viewing via livestream at

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